Sunday, July 1

Heat takes its toll on Winter Farm.

    You know it's hot when you look out the window and see a chicken up on the bird bath!
Our chickens are doing their best to stay cool - hiding in the carport and under the porch.
We've lost the battle of the heat with one sweet chicken, though, even with plenty of water available.  
    Sadly, our beloved "Mrs. Buffy," our Buff Orpington, suffered from a heat stroke on Saturday morning and died this morning (Sunday).  We brought her inside the moment we saw her struggling and tried to give her electrolyte water, but it was too late for her to really pull out of it.  I was sitting next to her when she died, Justin buried her, and William said a prayer.   

"Mrs. Buffy" is the lovely plump bird on the left.
I'm glad our kids have an opportunity to experience death and discuss it with us, as it is a part of life.

Superhero Vera is doing her part to fight the heat wave!

Our garden is doing well, and we're especially glad we just put straw down to protect against weeds and keep moisture in.  Okra, zucchini, and cherry tomatoes are coming in.

May you stay cool and safe in the heat.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is amazing green thumb you guys have for gardening!
