Saturday, September 7

Lil' Blackie

Is she a chicken? or is she a dog?  
 I'm pretty sure she thinks she is a dog.
Lil' blackie is one of our newer hens who escaped a vet school dissection.  She is the most friendly chicken we've had yet.  She follows closely at our heels (often times trying to peck our toes... I can't decide if she thinks our toes are worms or if it's her way of giving kisses...?).  She'll waltz right up to you and let you pet her.  
She hangs out in the garage, and as soon as you open the door to the house she invites herself inside.  Her cohort, Caesar, is always tagging along, but doesn't share the same outgoing personality.
 Lil' Blackie and Caesar have been laying eggs for the last month or so, but they are much smaller than the other chickens' eggs.
 Leghorn egg on the left, and Lil' Blackie's egg on the right.
 The color of our fresh egg yolks are a much deeper orange than the typical store-bought egg, but Lil' Blackie and Caesar's small eggs are even MORE orange... lots of goodness packed into that little yolk.
Who knew Lil' Blackie would turn out to be such a good little chicken.  
She makes me smile.
 (And makes my daughter, Vera, run away screaming "Lil' Blackie NOOOoooo!!!" as the chicken tries once again to peck her toes)


  1. Does Gandalf play with the chickens?

    1. Gandalf doesn't play with the chickens, but he does try to take the scraps from them whenever we bring treats out to the chickens. He tries to nuzzle them away and they'll give a little peck at him... pretty equally matched :). Thankfully he is sweet to them ever since he killed a chick (and I shunned him for months) when we first got them 3 years ago.
