Monday, January 13

Spinning in Circles

What a whirlwind the last month has been.  I feel as though I've literally been spun around in circles and am still trying to regain my footing.  Getting dizzy can be both fun and overwhelming.  I've had a bit of both.  Allow me to turn you around a bit through my last month...

Like many people, my "to do" list was pages long with Christmas preparations.
  *Wrap gifts 
*Plan William's class' Christmas party 
*Bake cookies for the neighbors 
*Make ornaments with the kids
*Finish painting the nativity
*etc. etc.
(The nativity that Vera and I made this year)

I was feeling the typical excitement and anxiety over getting everything done.  Along the way I'd stop to ponder if I were trying to cram too much into our holiday fun.  Should I try to find a moment to slow us down to prepare our hearts for Christ's birth through stillness rather than all the fuss?  Well, wouldn't you know the brakes were let down on us beyond my control.  Our whole family became quite ill.  No school.  No work.  No baking cookies.  No Christmas parties.  Justin and I took turns allowing each other to rest while the other would tend to the children.  
Part of me felt heartbroken over all the "lost" traditions.  We were too sick to even think of opening the advent calendar doors.  But, there is always a good lesson in whatever comes your way... and I was taught, nay forced!, to be still.  
 When the kids were well enough to peel away from their nests near the tv, we enjoyed making cranberry and popcorn strings to hang in the branches outside for the birds.
(Note Gandalf, the dog, checking out the popcorn on the string... we had to hang them high enough to get out of his reach!)

Christmas comes whether or not you've checked everything off the list.
 A precious few days before Christmas we were feeling well enough to re-enter the holiday cheer... this time, having let go of my lofty expectations to do every Christmas craft, game, and experience.  Though, I did make sure to get our annual photo with Father Christmas:
 Then, it was presents at my Mom's house, presents at Justin's parent's house, family in town to visit, and packing for a trip to Upper Peninsula Michigan (see how easy it is to get dizzy when life starts spinning that fast!?).  
 (This was the best stocking stuffer EVER!  Vera's favorite thing Christmas morning was popping some bubble wrap)
The day after Christmas we began our 2 1/2 day drive to the U.P.
The St. Louis Zoo (free of cost!) provided a much needed break from hours upon hours of driving north.

We provided entertainment for the Northerners by playing in the snow bank at a gas-station in Illinois.  SNOW!!!  The kids (and us adults) were so excited.  We are surely from the South.
Now back in the car, kids!  There is more driving to do... and then some more driving.

Once we made it up to Upper Peninsula it was nothing but 4 wheelers, sledding hills, snow tunnels, and lots and lots of good family time. (above is William and Alan, his "PaPai" - Justin's Dad)

Justin's family knows how to have fun outside... even if the days starts out at -20 and warms up to a toasty -4!

4 Generations of Winter Men

William, Vera, and Silas with their Great Grandma.  
There were at least 30-40 people at dinner every night while we were in Michigan.  Aunts, Uncles, and lots and lots of cousins flowed in and out of Great Grandma and Grandpa's house while we were there.  What a fun bunch to be with as we welcomed the New Year. 

After another long 2 1/2 days of driving, we arrived back home in time for Justin to grab his things and head to the airport for a 9 day trip to Nicaragua.  He thoroughly enjoyed this short study abroad program for his MBA at Emory.  He got to tour coffee farms and learn all about fair-trade and local co-ops. 
 (Justin with a coffee tree in warm Nicaragua... while at our home it was 5 degrees out, which isn't much warmer than Michigan!)

So, for 9 days I was in charge of our three youngsters.  This was yet another opportunity for me to learn and grow... even if it wasn't a lesson I particularly wanted to sign up for.  I prayed for patience and peace while Justin was away, and was grateful that my Mom was able to help me with the bedtime routine many nights. 
We were all excited to welcome Justin home yesterday.  Finally, maybe the whirlwind will slow down...
Wouldn't you know Silas woke up this morning with a fever.  And so it goes.  If there is one thing I've learned, it's that I can't control this life, but I can trust God to grant the strength and peace I need to love and serve and press on.


  1. God certainly showed you that He is your Rock!!!

  2. I love this post and how it came "full circle" for you when you were spinning in circles. It also reminds me of a Christmas card I got that has been echoing in my ear: "When you get right down to it...the only thing that really matters is Jesus."
