Monday, April 1

Patrick is 4!

Patrick, my fourth born, turns 4 today. 
Patrick is full of passion... which is sometimes used to share a sincere hug for someone who is sad and is other times used to express frustration at a sibling's interference with his fort building or other manner of play.  He is talkative and inquisitive.  He is quick to apologize and to forgive.  He is full of smiles.  Like the two brothers he is sandwiched between, he is active and playful.   
 Patrick brings us all lots of laughs and smiles.  He says the most adorable things, whether it is in observing what his food or clouds look like - "a hippopotamus with one leg!" or in his pronunciation of words like "frigerfrater" or "zombie appoplex" (which apparently a 4-year-old picks up on when he has 3 older siblings).  He is more patient than I realize, as he is often having to wait his turn for my attention.
Patrick wanted The Three Little Pigs on his birthday cake for a celebration at a local toy store.
I did my best to make a straw, stick, and brick house out of food.  Patrick's playmates each got to take home a squeaky pig (thankfully the squeakers are removable).
Patrick was joyful while playing and being celebrated.  He could hardly believe it was FINALLY his birthday (because you know we've been asked about it for months).  He was thrilled to have some of his buddies from preschool there to play with him.
Patrick enjoyed some love and attention from both his grandmas.
 What a blessing to have friends wherever he goes: his siblings.

Click here to see Patrick's interview from last year

Patrick felt special being interviewed this morning for his 4-year-old birthday interview.  He also enjoyed joining in on some April Fools fun.  He stuck all of our butter knives into a jar of peanut butter (he was trying so hard to come up with something silly).  Cleanup was fun as he licked each knife clean and dropped it into the sink.

Patrick's 4-year-old interview:
What do you want to do when you grow up?
Build a house.
What's your favorite color?
What do you like to do?
Playing and laughing and having fun.
What do you like to eat?
Cooked apples, oranges, bananas, seaweed paper, and brownies.
Who is your favorite character?
Ryan from Ryan's Toy Review (youtube)
What's your favorite tv show?
What is your favorite book?
Curious George and the Dinosaur Discovery
What's your favorite song?
Cat Flushing the Toilet and other Parry Grip songs
 Vacation Bible School songs such as "Jesus is the light."

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