Monday, April 8

Vera is 9!

Vera turned nine today.  What a blessing it is to have this daughter.
Vera has been eating up books this past year.  She has grown fond of doing snap circuits for her science lessons and opted for one with 750 electrical projects (that should last a while!).  Her adventurous spirit leads her to daily discoveries.  She has loved playing soccer this year on an all-girl team (what a relief from being around all the boys at home), and we were all proud that she scored a goal at her last game.
She loves horses, dinosaurs, pokemon, bees... she loves nature, being environmental, and beating her brothers at games.
Vera is the biggest help with her baby brother.  I know that if Vera says she will keep an eye on Daniel, that he will be tended to with attentive love.  Countless times throughout the day I'm thankful she steps in to hand him his water, help him down from his chair, walk behind him up the steps, pick up the toy he dropped for the 100th time... without me ever needing to ask.
Vera is creative.  We studied Andy Goldsworthy in an art lesson, and this was her artwork inspired by his nature pieces.  She used blackberry thorns to pin the flowers in place.
Vera takes her time to finish projects to her standard, and she doesn't mind if it takes a while and everyone else has moved on to other things.
Ever since we got bees Vera has gobbled up information about them.  She watches me suit up and go into the hive (I'm learning too!), and she has become my apprentice of sorts.  She would like to do the beekeeping eventually! (She would like to point out that the frame she is holding is full of wax, not bees.  She was helping me prepare a new hive.)
I love listening to Vera laugh with her brothers.  They often play their own pokemon game and spend a lot of time jumping on the trampoline.  I do have to reminder her to speak to them in a kind, not whiny voice on occasion, but then again, she does have 4 brothers getting in her space pretty often.
 Vera celebrated her birthday with silly games and oobleck.  We enjoyed an applesauce cake and ginger cookies in the shape of dinosaurs.
 The only problem with the party is that Vera didn't want it to end.  She cried when her friends left because she just wanted it to last longer.  
I got inspiration from a picture I found online to paint this watercolor of Vera with her favorite dinosaur, the Parasaurolophus.  Happy birthday, my girl!

And now for Vera's 9-year-old interview... and may this year go extra slow so I can enjoy my little girl being one digit for just a bit longer.
What do you want to do when you grow up?
Be a paleontologist, a farmer, and a Mommy.
What's your favorite color?
Greenish Blue
What do you like to do?
Ride horses, explore, learn about dinosaurs and fossils, and swing on our big spider-web swing.
What do you like to eat?
Broccoli, lasagna, broccoli cheddar soup, lo mein.
Who is your favorite character?
Glitter Freeze from Glitter Force ... and can it be something from real life?  If so, Mommy, and Daddy, and God
What is your favorite song?
Songs by Parry Grip and "Wake up Shake up" from Glitter Force
What is your favorite thing about school?
Math, Science experiments, mind benders.
What is your favorite show?
Glitter Force
What is your favorite book?
Ramona books and the Warrior Series

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