Thursday, April 8

Vera's Birthday

 Vera is now 11-years-old. 
I love this girl.
What a blessing to have a daughter.
She is my adventurous girl... never turning down an opportunity to hike a bit further to see what's around the bend.

It is my joy in the evening, when time allows, to read the Anne of Green Gables series to Vera and do one another's hair while her new pet bunnies jump around the room. These are precious moments indeed.
Vera's bunnies, Teddy and Shadow. 
We inherited them from the Freebird Farm School, where Vera goes one day a week. She thrives there, getting to care for the farm animals and then studying science and reading aloud to her friends the latest story she has written. 

Always happy for an opportunity to bake, here is Vera serving St. Lucia buns.

Vera continues to make her younger brothers amazing pinatas for their birthdays.

Vera got to spend her birthday with her lifelong friend baking cookies and laughing...

...despite intrusions from Patrick and Daniel.

Vera with straight hair! 
Vera is a hard-working girl who loves math, taking on challenges, reading, oh, and horses! Vera has been enjoying horse-riding lessons for the past few months, which to her is like a dream come true. She is also so happy to be back to playing soccer.
Vera's birthday cake was a honey walnut cake, but I guess I've taken the year off from decorating cakes.  The house, however, I adorned with bouquets of azaleas to celebrate our girl.

Tonight, tucking her in, her tears came as she mourned growing up and taking another step away from early childhood... oh, I was the same way in my childhood, and so my tears joined hers. 

Vera's 11-year-old interview:
What do you want to do when you grow up?
Well, before I grow up I want to win America Ninja Warrior Junior and use the money to buy a horse. I also want to be a professional soccer player... but it might not happen. I want to be a mom and have children and live on a big farm with lots of animals. Lots of animals.
What's your favorite color?
Light greenish teal
What do you like to do?
Play with my cousins and friends, climb in the woods, read good books (not bad (boring) books), ride Glitter (the horse), and play soccer. 
What do you like to eat?
Baked potatoes, zucchini and squash sprinkled with parmesan cheese, crispy molasses cookies (which she made with her friend on her birthday), chocolate chip cookies, brownies, and almost every known dessert. 
Who is your favorite character?
Anne (of Green Gables), Hermoine (Harry Potter), Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars)
What is your favorite song?
Well... I don't really like music that much. I like rock ok.
What is your favorite thing about school?
Going to Farm School
What is your favorite show?
Clone Wars except for the really weird parts. 
What is your favorite book?
Uuuggh that's impossible. I like the Warrior series, Harry Potter, and the Anne books.

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