Wednesday, September 2

Field of flowers wherever I go

I painted on my van today :)  Click here if you want to go back to when I first painted on my van... it explains how the flowers represent the members of our family (and so today I finally added Patrick).
I added a grasshopper (for Gandalf our dog) a spider (for Eggnog the cat), a butterfly for Lea who was with us for a time before she had to flutter back home, and another dandelion for Patrick.
I started to paint the front and side of the van, but I only got a little ways before Patrick made it very clear to me that my attention was needed elsewhere. I started using some of the existing scratches and just added a little swirl on either end to make it look like the wind blowing dandelion seeds down the side of the van. With the kids riding bikes and scooters by our cars all the time, there are plenty of scratches for me to incorporate :-)

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